Hello, spring!
There's a slight chill in the air, and the wind is rather fresh. But hey! Hello, spring : blossom on the trees, spring bulbs flowering, and my September birthday in six days time, yippee! It's spring, which always refreshes and rejuvenates and inspires much thoughtful gardening...
Over-thinking things is fine, but one must reinforce the positives. For example, it's OK that weeds are growing in the horse manure recently applied to the Allotment Garden. Better than having poor soil, with lack of nourishment for the plants (especially the beautifully healthy rugosa rose hedge). I tell myself this as I commando-crawl underneath it pulling out grass clumps and those pretty Shepherd's Needles.

Plantation Pink Camellia
Being thoughtful requires self-discipline, too. It's so easy to become infected (not the best choice of word) with a general sadness about the world outside the garden. I'm now seriously restricting my intake of news. There are people making the headlines that I simply don't want to hear about. And that includes some of the politicians in my own country!
My garden should have been THE best place to be! Alas, I got too muddy, too wet, and too cold, and gave up after three hours. And now, warmed up with a change of clothes, I can't really go back outside and lie down in the damp horse manure, can I? I can, however, take my dogs for yet another orchard walk.
The dogs have been really good, and they are so easy to reward - we just go off for another walk. We love going for walks, even if it's the same walk. Gardeners and dogs finding delight in repetition... Another weeding session? Bring it on! Another walk? Yes please...
Thursday 3rd September
It's a 'try and do better' day for me. I'm going to clean out the Jelly Bean Border. It's mainly raking and trimming, and I can do this. These? I also need to check the resprouting Viburnums, and possibly spray them (for fungus and bugs). If I get cold I will just work faster or jump up and down (oh yes?).

Dogs in the Orchard - and Almond Blossom
But wait. Have just noticed a thick frost on the lawns that aren't tree-sheltered. OK. It's a bit early to venture outside for gardening. Aargh! Three degrees Celsius! C'mon, dogs...
Later, Mid-Afternoon...
I'm trying! Five barrowfuls of mess removed so far. Lots of pieces of gum bark, not too many weeds. The Viburnums look healthy and the wee pink Azaleas are starting to flower.

Viburnum tinus Flowering
Just some hydrangeas to prune, and tree suckers to remove. I reckon I'm about two thirds done. And so, after a refreshing cup of tea, I am going back out there. If I don't finish I am NOT allowed to write anything in this journal.
Have finished. It doesn't look so much better, but I know it is! Have burnt all the mess, too. Yeay for self-disciplined, positive me. Refreshed and rejuvenated? Not so sure!