Dogs Day Out

I'm off to walk my dogs and take photographs while it's still cloudy, before our visitors arrive. Yeay! It's the last of my Birthday Week treats - a Dogs' Day Out and a Family Brunch. With four dogs and two birthday cakes.

 Waiting for the visitors.
The Collies Are Waiting...

It's been a while since big brown Escher and Frida the spotty GSP have been here. Winnie, of course, has been in rehab after cruciate ligament surgery, and hasn't been allowed to romp around, even with Pebbles. But now, over three months later, she is good to go!

 Not too sure whether she wants to get in there!
Frida by the Water

Later - so well behaved!

We were all so well behaved! The four dogs had a wonderful time running around. No silly running, either, no snapping or misunderstandings, no dog-nonsense. Escher almost stole a large piece of birthday cake - but that's Escher for you!

Later in the afternoon, something not so good - found a two-day-old sick lamb. Intervened, did everything possible, but it died soon afterwards. Buried lamb in the Hump Garden near to Tiger my dearly departed tortoiseshell cat. Tiger won't mind.

A bit sad...

Felt a bit sad, so did some small scale finger-style weeding around the back lawn, something new to think about. Then worked in the glass-house pricking out seedlings of assorted coloured Cornflowers and candy striped Cosmos. I love my seeds - working with them always makes me feel hopeful and positive.

Finished the day pondering where to plant a lime green leafed Acanthus. As one does. I have three pots full, rescued from an original hopeless location in the Wattle woods. OK. When in doubt, ask Ms Google.

 A very pretty variety.
Lime Leaf Acanthus

She says 'shade or semi-shade, reasonable moisture' and reckons it's the cultivar 'Hollard's Gold'. I love the colour of the leaves, so will plant it on my walking route between the cottage and the house. Easy!

 Frida and friend, Frida is the dog!
Best Friends

So it's been a splendid day, apart from the lamb (a small, sad slice of country farm life). The Dogs' Day Out was a resounding success. Wonderful to have Winnie back to full health and mobility, able to join in the fun. Love my family, love those brown dogs.