Happy birthday to meeeee!
Sunday 8th September : Happy birthday to meeeee! Have bought myself some presents from the Op Shop : a demure white cotton nightie, a frock (navy blue with little white daisies) and a university text-book on Linear Algebra. As one does...
I sang the birthday song to myself at home, did my Albeniz piano practice, and then went out to choir to sing parts of Faure's Requiem. Had a lovely lunch with my singing friend, who gave me a present - yeay! A brooch of citrus yellow wattle flowers, in memory of that big Wattle tree that came crashing down. Nice.

Spring Flowers
More presents?
Arrived home to find Non-Gardening Partner still in the house. 'It's my birthday' I said cheerily, hoping for a trailer load of soil conditioner. Even a voucher. 'Oh well,' he said, 'I'd better go out the back and bury that dead sheep.'
Spent the whole afternoon in the orchard on my own doing exactly what I've done for the last two weeks. Three more barrow loads of rose prunings cleared - just the two Souvenir de la Malmaison roses left to tidy up. Came inside, organised dinner (sausages with a sloppy minced pork sauce), and watched the big America's Cup boats flying over the sea by Barcelona.
A marvellously special day?
A friend texted me : 'Hope you're having a marvellously special day'. Well, maybe I wasn't, but I was extremely happy and content - and proud of my hard work. Then I washed and dried my hair, put it in two ridiculous girlie plaits, donned my 'new' birthday nightie, and went to bed with my Algebra book. As one does, hee hee...
Happy birthday from Speckles...
Speckles the stray cat turned up on the cottage verandah in the dark. 'Happy birthday' he chirped. Well, maybe not exactly. 'Where's my milk?' was more like it. At least he didn't hiss at me. What a wonderful (if slightly mundane) day! Champagne? Dinner out at a fancy restaurant where it takes ages for the food to arrive? No thanks!