More woodwork...
The responsible gardener attends to details. They always clean up and finish properly at the end of each day. The realistic gardener is aware of the schedules of the seasons, and the needs of their garden, understanding they will never, ever be in complete control. Especially of large trees. Aargh!

House Camellia
I have to be both a responsible gardener and a realistic one - the one who dreams big and wanders around in a daze is temporarily on hold. I am starting the great Wattle tree clean up. Thoughtfully, safely, tirelessly. Here's the general plan :
- Remove broken glass panes.
- Lop and pull out branches.
- Clear debris off paths for safe chain-saw access.

Pink Camellia
Three hours later...
Not so sure about working tirelessly. I've done a lot of plodding, but only collected one large bag of broken glass. Have a pile of branches for the shredder and a pile of dead wood for the bonfire. But spare a thought for the poor Camellias! At least two of the mature ones have been semi-trashed. Collected lots of pink flowers for the house vases.
So far so good? Only mildly good, and I haven't got very far. My reward for starting the clean-Up? I've washed my hair. Woo hoo!
Saturday 14th September
This afternoon when I came home from my singing rehearsal NGP was busy with chain-saw working his way through the Wattle tree branches. Yeay! I will get in there as soon as I can - have singing commitments this weekend (Haydn with a very robust orchestra, and some wonderful Byrd acapella). Wow. How lucky am I?

Non-Gardening Partner
So the log-burner is flaming merrily and we are having basic take-aways - fish and chips. Nice. Spring is so beautiful. I love the blue Alkanet flowers.
Sunday evening...
Oh my goodness. Am back from my big sing, to find that NGP has done an excellent day's work chopping through the Wattle tree. Have just been over to the cottage with an evening meal for Minimus. And guess what I found? Two cats on my bed! Curled up in relaxed furry balls, close to each other - Minimus (whose bed it is) and Speckles, my wild, hissy, stray cat. Incredible! Naturally Speckles hissed at me - to say hello, and thanks for the comfy bed? One of his canine teeth is missing and the other one looks like it is loose. Oh well. Can't do anything for him.