Happiness check?
Time for a happiness sound check : 'If you're happy and you know it clap your hands...' Waiting, waiting... A profound silence, oops. I blame those nasty, thorny orchard roses that are taking ages to clean up.

The Island Bed in Spring
Today, I happily collected a barrow load of weeds from the house gardens (the blossom and the daffodils are beautiful). Should have stayed there. But no - I ventured into the orchard. My mood soon sunk lower and lower, even though my tame brown-blackbird turned up, very excited, and began to peck wildly at a hazelnut.

Apricot Daffodils
Mustn't grumble...
Worked for three hours, told myself not to grumble (well, not too much), not to get scratched, and not to think anything negative. I only collected three barrow loads of rose mess. That's one per hour - not very efficient. It was such hard work.
Saturday 7th September
It's my birthday eve - have just reminded Non-Gardening Partner. He says he will help load the rose prunings into the trailer - that will be his birthday present. PLus mowing the house lawns. Nice!
Piano playing and gardening...
Practicing the piano is a bit like gardening. If I only play once in a while, then everything always stays messy. But I've practiced Jerez by Albeniz every single morning for over three weeks now, and I can hear improvements. Yeay! The notes are not as difficult, and I am not making as many mistakes. My phrasing is much better, and I am getting faster.

Anemone Blanda
So shouldn't this happen if I gardened every day? Because I do, sort of, yet I seem to get slower and slower.
A list.
- Do lawn edges. Lawns will get mowed later this afternoon.
- Collect two barrow loads of rose prunings from orchard.
- Collect and dump one barrow load of weeds.
- Plant miniature Agapanthus clumps.
Much later...
Did the first three. Forgot about the Agapanthus. Am happy again, very excited about my birthday. Went to bed early, hoped that Speckles the stray would come and say hello. An inconsequential little thing that would mean a lot...