Oh dear...
Oh dear! Have just been for an early morning wander around the garden with my camera. Some urgent weeding is required along the Hump Garden path. It's all a bit of a shock. There I was with my dogs, smiling up at the blossom tree Pink Perfection. Then I looked down.

Morning Blossom
Big mistake! Loads of cute little weeds smiled back at me. But there's worse. I can't remember where I stashed my hand tools. And there's no easy way to say this - I've now seriously 'lost' my brand new secateurs, which cost me sixty dollars. The theory was that expensive secateurs would be looked after properly. Oh really?

Cherry Red Grevillia
Twenty minutes later...
Just getting down to my weeding, sitting in the path, when whoosh! Silly wind, large rain drops. Came inside. There was a battle going on up there, dark clouds advancing from the south with puffs of cold air, hot air charging in from the north-west, more raindrops, the sun in a bit of a dither.
Told myself twenty minutes were better than no minutes, and that when I returned I would plant one of the new climbing roses. Which I then promised to water well, not trusting the on-again off-again rain.
Much, much later...
Did some weeding - phew! Found all my hand tools (alas, not the secateurs). Planted Summer Wine (a climbing rose) on the archway into the Hump Garden, also transplanted Lychnis plants from the middle of the path. Am happy.
Wednesday September 25th
Good morning Wednesday. I able to have a full garden day. I don't have to go anywhere, at any time. I am sooooooo happy! First I will do my piano practice, then I am going weeding. I am full of energy, and ideas, and I'm sure I will last at least six hours...

Crab-Apple Blossom
Three hours later...
Ha! Am on track. Have stopped for a late lunch. Have been weeding, mulching, and also collecting and dumping loads of dry mess by the bonfire for later. Am very happy to be reconnected with my garden. Honey bees have been buzzing over the blossom above me, the bellbirds have been tootling and whistling in the high trees, and the boy pheasant in the front paddock has been shrieking - with delight? Perhaps he has finally found the hen of his dreams? Now to enjoy a leisurely, thoughtful lunch. No need to rush.
Much later...
A close call - after two more hours of gardening I told myself there was too much wind for the bonfire (something I don't like doing) and came inside. But I was fibbing. So I went back, and burnt the mess, and I am so proud of myself. Seven hours in the garden, with half an hour for lunch. Epic.