The New Shrubbery

The Shrubbery - note the upper case letters - is a totally new garden area at Mooseys. The space was created by default when a huge pine tree blew down in a storm. Shrubs, roses, paths, a stone retaining wall, even a little sunken courtyard - The Shrubbery has it all!

 The golden green theme!
Escallonia and Nicotiana Llansdorffii

This was my grand project during a fortnight when Non-Gardening Partner was overseas. There was quite a bit of land sculpting required, and he might have put me off by mentioning scary engineering words - like 'drainage' and 'subsidence'. But blessed are the naive, for sometimes they slowly do get it right!

 Rose Mme Leonie de Viennot, Anthemis, Dahlia Bishop Llandaff.
Flower Colour in the Shrubbery

The front of The Shrubbery sits behind a stone retaining wall, in-filled with compost, manure, ash, and assorted organic matter. The plantings were shamelessly budget. I wanted a lightness of leaf colour, as well as some spikes - and of course a few rugged roses.

Golden Foliage

Golden variegated Corokias and upright Flaxes with similar colouring were planted. Then I chose clean green Hebes (Emerald Gem), and filled the gaps with my ubiquitous green coarse-leafed Carex, a tough ornamental grass

 A very nice place to relax with a cat and a cup of tea.
Shrubbery Courtyard Garden Benches

The back of the Shrubbery followed, as I pushed a pathway adventurously into the Hump to the row of gum trees. This area is still developing, but is designed to be easy-care maintenance, with newspaper and mulch laid to suppress the weeds. All the shrubs are my favourite tough New Zealand natives - dusky Corokias, Ake Ake and Pittosporums, Flaxes and Cordylines.

 Oops - name unknown.
Trailing Plant

Pink and Flowery

There are a few feminine pink touches - a Madame Leonie Viennot rose sprawls over and along an old sheep fence, and a cluster of fluffy Pink Grootendorsts (rugosas with attitude) liven up the lawn edge. And the Shrubbery has a fair selection of flowery plants, too.

Rosemary and Thyme...

The little square sunken courtyard is 'edged' with trailing Rosemary. An assortment of Thymes, Dianthus plants, pansies, and other ground-huggers drape themselves over the stones of the retaining wall. Anthemis has been spectacular flowering on the edge of the stone wall for months, and there's even a rogue red dahlia in the middle! Shrubberies need colour on the ground as well as on the shrubs!

There are just a couple of trees - both the prettiest of specimens, which hopefully will like it here and grow well. One is my Esk Sunset No. 2, moved in from a less sheltered spot, and the other a juvenile purple Cotinus - a shrub-tree that I adore. Both will provide lovely summer shade when they get growing! Further back into the Hump there are Pittosporums, mature Cordylines, Ake Ake and Viburnums - and a lone Silver Birch. Hi-yo Silver!

 Past the late flowering tulips.
Path Into the Shrubbery

Springtime is catered for with clumps of daffodil and tulip bulbs on the stone wall egde and along the paths. Very pretty!