Variegated Cordyline Albertii

Cordyline Albertii - 2005
My garden is full of Cordylines. Many start their spiky Moosey lives in pots, particularly any which have the audacity to be the tiniest bit expensive - like Cordyline Albertii, the super-stylish variegated model.
A Caterpillar Creche...
Alas, when a budget-minded gardener spends big money they expect big results. OMy first variegated Cordyline Albertii (well, actually a replacement for the first, to be pedantic) is still in its original pot, but during the early summer seasons this particular plant can get horribly holy. I know, I know - I should be proactive and sprinkle talcumm powder over those pesky caterpillars (I suspect they are destined to be white butterflies)...
I now have two other variegated Cordylines, and they seem to have escaped the dreaded fate of being a caterpillar creche. One sits in the little sunken courtyard in the Shrubbery, by the rustic benches. Another has prime location in a house border by an exuberant pink Flower Carpet rose. Neither grows particularly fast, but hey! It's the style of the leaves that I like, after all.

Cordyline Albertii in the Roses
I really don't mind cleaning up their dropped leaves. Tied into bundles these make excellent fire starters, though they unfortunately can't be composted. All Cordylines in pots need watering, and their soil topped up (wind can make the trunks quite unstable). And of course I always remember to do just this...