Roseraie de L'Hay Rose
Roseraie de L'Hay is one of my most successful rugosa roses. The flowers are wonderfully fragrant with a soft, relaxed form - 'neither purple nor crimson, but somewhere in between', to quote the New Zealand rosarian Trevor Griffiths. I am particularly proud of the robust rugosa hedge I've planted along the boundary of the Allotment Garden. Such a beautiful feature, with beautiful coloured foliage in autumn.

Roseraie de L'Hay Hedge
As well as my rose hedge I've popped single plants into the garden here and there, and a trio in the back of the Birthday Rose Garden are growing well in front of green Phormiums and Pittosporums. Roseraie de l'Hay will thrive where other roses might struggle, as long as you let her take her time to become established. I think she's really tough!
Roseraie de l'Hay is considered one of the most popular rugosas in New Zealand, where I garden. One of the best rugosas, in my opinion. The rugosa that no garden, even the smallest, should be without.