Red & White Garden Fence Roses
In the early days of my garden you'd find the roses Dublin Bay and climbing Iceberg growing along the fence which enclosed the Frisbee Garden Border. They'd been planted by the previous owner, who obviously adored the contrast of bright red and bright white.

Red and White Roses in the Frisbee Garden
These roses got the rough (and recommended, by some) pruning treatment each winter - the hedge clippers. Dublin Bay is a New Zealand bred rose, and annoyingly for me would get afflicted with rose rust.

Dublin Bay and Iceberg Roses
The white climbing Iceberg rose just kept on keeping on - a satisfactory rose, but not really one of my favourite whites. That's reserved for the hybrid musk Prosperity - but it never lets me down.
What's Around the Corner?
Looking down the driveway from the house in early summer, the roses would be brightly flowering, and the trees in the distance framed the gravel driveway bend. What was hidden around the corner? In those early days, more climbing white Icebergs. And a blobby conifer of modest size (not any more, oops).

Driveway Roses
Looking Over to the Frisbee Lawn
This photograph shows the view from the parking layby across the garden fence to the Stables. The tree to the right by the roses is a gingko - alas, not a very happy one.

looking towards the stables - summer 2001
This photograph was taken back in the summer of the year 2001. The red flax had only recently been planted. And what about the present day? The roses are still there, but so much else has grown around them that they're not nearly as floriferous. Dublin Bay still gets rust, and Iceberg gets black-spot. Ah well - I suppose they're getting quite old now!