Spring changes...
My spring garden is changing every day, with new flowers discovered. Walking past the patio Wisteria I am delighted by the fragrance - I didn't know that Wisterias did this! What a splendid spring climber - though rather difficult to capture in a photograph.

Patio Wisteria
Sunday 21st October
Choice - watch the final of the Rugby World Cup on morning TV when your team isn't even playing, or strap self into the backpack sprayer and spray the roses before the wind starts up. Easy choice, really! Aphids, be afraid. Be very afraid! And I'm so over the rugby, though my All Blacks supporters' flag still flutters sadly on Rusty's dog kennel.
Anyway, I'm writing this at lunchtime, and I've had a great morning weeding, spreading pea straw, and planting out annuals. After lunch I'll continue the path mulching, and collect up the freshly chain-sawn pine logs. We have enough firewood for the next ten winters.

Aargh! Pine Tree Logs
The sun is shining, the bellbird is singing, and there's absolutely no wind. The first roses are blooming, more irises are out, many hostas too, and still my frilly pink tulips hang on to their flower petals. What super-strong blooms they've turned out to be - just a pity that I can't remember ever planting them, or seeing them before.
Some more good gardening news - the brick red tree peony is flowering, with masses of buds just opening. And as if it was part of the gardener's plan, so is a nearby brick red rhododendron. None of the mid-season flowering rhododendrons have been hurt by that late rogue frost.

My Tree Peony
Much Later...
I've spent the afternoon 'doing' the Wattle Woods path - I've used up all my newspaper. Then I wandered around checking for new flowering surprises, and taking photographs. There is still much to do - but isn't that always true?
Congratulations South Africa
Anyway, I've had a great garden day, and I'm glad that South Africa won the rugby. My ginger cat Percy is named after Percy Montgomery, the South African fullback - well, that plus the fact that he's a really 'Purrcy' cat.

Hello Hostas!
And it's a bonus that my garden helper has the day off tomorrow, so will be available for lawn mowing and more chain-sawing of that fallen pine tree. We talked about curved Monet style bridges today while in the car...
Monday 22nd October - Labour Day
October has been such a windy month. Last night in the southerly wind a large branch of the gum tree by the Sleep-Out came down. The drive to the back door is well and truly blocked (except Rusty the dog can wiggle underneath).
The pheasant, lurking in the pond paddock, sounds like he's blowing a silly hooter out of a party pack. The starlings are squeaking, making nests (again) in the spouting. The bellbird, aristocrat of bird-songsters, is delicately chiming in a high tree. In another Hump trees, exact location unknown, a baby magpie is making 'feed me' noises - sounding like a squeaky hinge.
Hmm... Younger Moosey son (who lives in the Sleep-Out) likes to sleep late on holiday mornings. How early could the chain-saw start up outside his window, shattering the myth of peaceful country ambience?
So, a list, for today, which is as follows:
- Get more newspaper, lay more path mulch.
- Plant out more annuals, sow more seeds.
- Shred.
- Collect logs.
And, if it's sensible, burn the gum tree rubbish which I will have raked and carted around to the rubbish fire. Easy. No flowery phrases, no super-detailed explanations.
Much Much Later...
Well, it's been a head-down sort of day. I've used up the path mulch, helped saw up the new fallen tree, burnt all the rubbish, and cleared some more underneath the pine tree which fell down last week. The assorted bird noises have gone on all day, joined by the gentle purring of the chain-saw, the gurgling of the shredder, and the rural fire alarm siren. Another great spring day in my sunny country garden.