Spring and spirals...
Some gardening days spiral inwards rather sweetly. One thing leads to an even nicer, smaller thing, and I end up remembering to do something quite tiny and really lovely. Today has been one of those. Spring seems to have sprung - yet more daffodils, more Camellias, a beautifully warm sun, and no wind.

Miniature Daffodils
Monday 18th August
Today I've sown lots more seeds, potted up divisions of Stachys limelight, and sliced new shoots off Lupins and put them in pots to make roots. The sun in the glass-house has been just gorgeous. I've done some weeding nearby, and started to spread top-soil over the hedge-trimmer's tyre tread mess at the back of Middle Garden.

Wattle Woods Camellias
Just as soon as I've wheel-barrowed one more load to the bonfire, I am going to test the hands and fingers on some Bach. Ah yes, the bonfire. It's been percolating. I didn't start it off until late, though. Hate to spoil such a sunshiny day.
Memo to Self...
Memo to self. One of the reasons that my hands feel so good after today's gardening is that I've been wearing super-light latex gloves. They may only last one day, but everything I touch has felt really nice. Now let's hope Bach notices, hee hee...
Tuesday 19th August
Funny. I've found myself caught up in swirling thoughts about Little Mac, the black and white cat that we lost over a year ago. I don't know what has brought this on, but I feel very sad. So I'm going to dedicate this day in the garden to her. I've already had a ceremonial morning coffee in 'her' black and white cat cup, sitting on the patio watching the birds. I was not alone for long.

Black and White Cat Cup
First Tiger the cat appeared, after having taken a 'nature break' in the biggest of the strawberry pots. Tiger! Rude! Then big Fluff-Fluff ambled around the corner and leapt onto the table like an overweight cat-gymnast.

Cat Company
Aha! Call me sentimental - so my house cats wanted to share this solemn Little Mac moment? Yeah, right! We all watched the birdies eating their lard ball with banana and fresh pineapple on the side, our jaws twitching. Well, mine wasn't...
Little Mac always made me smile during her short time with us, and here, yet again, I'm smiling as I think of her. Right. More spring gardening today. But first I'm off to buy a big pack of soft latex gloves, some potting mix, and some strawberry food - to complement Tiger's expert fertilising? Hmm... Back soon.
Much Later, Dusk...
How lucky am I? I've had the most brilliant day - again! I've just had the most brilliant day. Oh - I already said that!
I did a lot more little spring things - like sowing more seeds, weeding around the stone wall by Willow Bridge, pruning yet more roses... I cranked up the bonfire mid-afternoon with yet more hedge trimmings. The edge of the Hen-House Garden has been slightly squashed - nothing too serious, but I've started the repair. This includes moving the edging stones so that next time the hedge-trimmer will fit.

Little Mac the Black and White Cat
All day big Fluff-Fluff and Rusty the dog have followed me around. Fluff-Fluff, not concentrating, would often get left behind, and cry his pathetic little miaow. 'C'mon, big cat, you have to keep up' I'd encourage him, then he'd scamper out of the greenery and over to me. How lucky am I? Thanks for sharing this wonderful Little Mac day, my dear animals.