Blue sky, green lawn...

Gum Tree by the Frisbee Lawn
Phew! Pouff! went the snow, with two days of half-decent winter day temperatures, and so I've got my garden back, complete with blue sky and green lawns. Now comes the supreme test. Remember all that weeding and digging I really, really wanted to do when the snow stopped me? Yes?
Saturday 15th July
It's a mental trick. When something as puny as winter weather foils my plans, I sit inside and seethe with gardening energy. Four days later, the skies are back to blue and the lawns are back to green. Will I measure up? Oops. I hardly wanted to get out of bed this morning - the air felt cold, and I felt lazy. But that's what the house animals are for. Have to feed the cats, fill the birds' feeding station up with goodies, take Winnie down the road for her early morning walk...
Yeay! My garden rules! First Winnie and I went to the dog park, then I did three hours light weeding in the garden which encircles the Frisbee Lawn. I looked up at the blue sky and gave thanks. I looked down at my achy hands and gave thanks. I dumped three barrow-loads of wet weeds on the boundary. I split some too-fat pieces of firewood, enough to last for the next two or three days.

Black Buster
The idea now is do do some jig-saw while my evening meal is cooking and Buster my Jig-Saw Destroying Cat is otherwise engaged. Oh, a grand-toddler milestone, the sort that 'doters' will appreciate, concerning Buster. The first word with two different syllables (that's two, different) that the one-and-a-half year old is saying? 'Bust-ah' Up to now Buster has been confused with a 'bus', hee hee. How time flies!

Small Person in the Forest
Blast! My black cat has just galloped in the door. Oh well. I have waylaid her with some 'grilled chicken, pasta pearls, and spinach'. Hmm...
Three days later...
Oops. I've only had one small bonfire (which took ages to ignite), and done the tiniest bit of speed weeding and clearing. But I have had house guests, including little people, and the days have been a bit damp for comfort.
We've all had fun reading library books (we love going to the library) and taking Winnie for walks.
We particularly love the forest, where Winnie races around trying to catch birds (fly birds, fly away!) and rabbits (run, rabbits, run!)... Luckily for those of tender years there have been no casualties to witness. Dogs with country habits - hmm...
I did do some good weeding in the Allotment Garden today, while the afternoon sun shone and the visitors blew bubbles on the Frisbee Lawn. I notice great swathes of seedling Angelicas - these should look wonderful next spring. Some of the red Orach seeds have wilted in the frost, but others are OK, sheltering underneath neighbour leaves. Phew!