I'm thankful - Part Two

Fred by the Rain Gauge
Here's Part Two of my 'I Am Thankful' blitherings. More? There's always more. And then some...
Friday 21st April
Today it's raining, so I'm thankful that I did such good gardening work yesterday, when it wasn't (remember I'm allowed to be repetitive, hee hee). But I left all my mess on the Frisbee Lawn - oh dear, how sad, never mind.
I'm thankful that I am warm and cosy in my house, and all the windows I look out of have such beautiful views. And I'm thankful I have new, snug, warm socks. New socks! Yeay! My feet are sooooo happy! And I'm thankful that the log-burner is blazing merrily, to the delight of the two Fred cats.
I am extremely thankful for the colour that the dahlias provide. They just keep on flowering, darling things. And I haven't even mentioned the people in my life! Oops...
And there's still more. So the website has been down briefly, for about 24 hours, and I am thankful that my webmaster has sorted it out so quickly. I love my website! Always feel sad when it's gone walkabout (as can happen).
Saturday 22nd April
Today the garden is still drenched from all that rain. Didn't feel like getting another pair of jeans all dirty and muddy, so went outside just intending to take photographs and wander around with the dogs. The water race was up rather a lot, because debris were jammed against the large clumps of Gunnera by Middle Bridge. So I semi-stripped, immersed self in the cold water (eek!) and unjammed (I hope) things. How brave! My feet and legs are now really cold. And my beautiful new socks are wet and muddy - oh dear.
Most of all I am thankful to be experiencing another autumn. It's peaceful, maybe just a touch melancholic, but so charming. I can almost hear the garden breathing a sigh of relief. It's time for some much-needed R'n'R - Rest and Reflection.