April Easter

Happy Easter! Full moon, full tummies (chocolate eggs, oops), and a full cat house - we are fostering a little grey kitten over the long weekend. Full trailer - bricks for the garden. Full wallet? Oops - the Easter nursery plant sales are in full swing...

Easter Saturday - 7th April - Hello Autumn!

We have our first autumn log burner fire going. Nice. The Ginko tree is turning a straw yellow colour and starting to drop its leaves - hello autumn!

 Silly bird!
Rooster in the Renga Renga

It's raining, so rooster and the hens are sheltering in their hen house. Fluff-Fluff the cat and I have been over to feed them - Easter wheat, special treat! Thanks for the eggs, girls!

Plant Sales and Seed Orders

I've already returned to the plant sale - it was disappointing, with no new bargain bin plants at all. So I've ordered in some new seeds - my lovely annual salvias have disappeared, and I've just found them in a wild flowers seed catalogue. I have bought more sweet peas (fragrant, of course), Nicotianas, apricot foxgloves, Anchusa, and blue cornflowers.

Today will probably be a non-gardening day, which is a pity since I have so many new things to plant. Some new tough shrubs (Brachyglottis and Pseudopanax) and two Lomandra grasses (which might be little bit frost tender) are destined for the Hump, and my two cream Camellias are Wattle Woods bound. In fact every Moosey garden area gets a new plant or two from the Easter sale - I run a truly democratic garden!

 With regulation red cordyline in pot.
Wattle Woods

At the nursery I did see two sale price roses I haven't got - they are apparently just like The Fairy, but one is white and the other is red. The pink Fairy rose I already have blooms late when other roses are having a rest. Hmm... I am tempted.

Later, Apres Dog-Walk...

I'm not sure what to do. It's sort of stopped raining. No-one has rung up about the grey kitten - I have the cutest poster up in the local shop. I'm listening to a ferocious and extremely fast pianist rippling through the Brahms Sonata in C major - it's making me feel rather small and hopeless. Humph. And just how muddy am I prepared to get? Another humph.

Easter Sunday

Firstly, let me chronicle the revival of the Good Moosey Mood for yesterday. I went outside, I grumped some more, I looked at the end of the Birthday Rose Garden - and I started digging. Now it's reshaped, re-curved, the grass path does a big wiggle, and the garden area is heaps bigger. I got wet, but my gardening spirits improved so much.

'When you're garden-grumpy, do some digging..'
-Moosey Words of Wisdom.

Now, as to today - I've already done my piano practice. Off I go, and when I return I should be boiling over with hot garden news, rather than simmering with feelings of hopelessness.

I'm back inside for lunch - too early to boast? It's never too early to boast - I've been doing yet more digging. Lucky for me that the lawnmower man watches where he's going - suddenly there's a new bend, or worse! A totally new garden where there once was lawn. I've decided that digging is a brilliant cure when one is a bit grumpy. Let me remember that. So grumpy people have ever expanding gardens? Hmm...

 Such a positive personality!
The New Grey Kitten

Cat equilibrium has hardly been affected by the little grey kitten. He's such a plucky, outgoing chap - he just wants to smooch everybody, and particularly everycat. No-one has rung up yet in answer to my Good Home Wanted poster. Hmm... Seven cats? Aargh!

 Still waiting!
My 2007 Sale Plants

Easter Monday

We are off to the mountains. Yippee! I promise to take lots of photographs.

Easter Tuesday

I know - it's not really an official Easter holiday. I've had so much fun today gardening with little grey kitten, and the dog, and Fluff-Fluff who has been lolling around, squashing my lavender plants. I've been weeding and planting bulbs - and the climbing rose Zephirine Drouhin is in. Most of my Easter sale plants are still waiting patiently, though...


The Moosey gardens (and the resident pets) have made some memorable global contributions these last few weeks. Firstly, hurray for an anonymous Moosey leaf (tree unknown), starring in a Mathematical fractals-in-nature presentation somewhere in the USA. And B-Puss, you get a mention in a gardening friend's blog - you beautiful big cat, you! And dear old Taj-Dog gets his picture in a USA dog show booth. And have I mentioned the Moosey Rosemary shrub, starring in a learned presentation in some university somewhere? Hee hee - I absolutely love it when Moosey images are recycled around the world.

B-Puss now gets extra points in my Most Valuable Cat Competition, about which I have a confession. I've been forgetting to vote. And anyway, I refuse to vote for Tiger the cat who is sulking and hissing at the little grey kitten we're fostering - that is when she's not lurking around the hen house, hiding in the Pittosporums.

Wednesday 11th April

I am off to the mountains again! My sale plants are still waiting to be planted. Oops.