Every day there are new roses. Every day others fade and their petals start to fall. Garden life! The Rambling Rector is alive with buzzy honey bees - as if they appreciate a rose which flowers only once, and are determined to make the most of it. Same with Rosa Woodsii in the Hump Garden. Just lovely.

Rambling Rector Rose
Today is definitely a lovely day - quite hot for November, and I've been crawling around the Frisbee Lawn Border in my short shorts. I reckon my bare knees are getting tougher from kneeling in the grass.
Reached the two badly overgrown Hebes and quickly lopped them down to knee height, before I lost momentum. If they re-grow, then so be it. Depending on the variety and the time of lopping, Hebes can resurrect themselves rather nicely. But they do not pick up their own prunings. Blast!
Later, Mid-Afternoon...
I've done four hours work, and I figure that's OK. For now. I picked up the bits of Hebe, took the dogs for walks, shifted the hoses, trimmed Phormiums, pulled out more old forget-me-nots, cut out prunus suckers. Now a shower, one of my floaty white cotton apres-gardening shirts, clean jeans, and a refreshing hot cup of tea.

Off for another Walk

rosa woodsii fendleri
Tuesday 17th November
Yet another lovely day. In the morning my friend and I went for a short walk in the hills - she is testing her legs etc. after hip surgery. Enjoyed the pockets of native bush and the flowering Cordylines. Then I zoomed home and launched myself into the Hump Garden. I planted yet more tomatoes, then sat down to speed weed and clear the lower path.
Lovely bees!
The bees buzzed around the beautiful species rose Woodsii, ignoring the other well-bred rose shrubs - a lesson to be learnt here. I dragged myself along on my bottom, pulling forget-me-nots out from the edges of the borders. The path was covered in self-sown vegetation - rescued some Lychnis to replant, scraped the rest off.
Got in a pickle. Late in the afternoon, I got stuck, sitting in the narrowest part of the path (have to roll over onto my knees to get up). What to do? Roll uphill into the species rose, or downhill into a beautiful Euphorbia clump?

Spot the Hump Path?
Sat and thought for quite a while. And giggled. Finally managed to stand up, with a lot of wiggling and jiggling (like getting a car out of a far-too-small parking space). Phew!
Hello bird!
My friendly blackbird whistled at me from a prunus branch above my head, watching my antics with his bright orange eyes. I sang back at him. 'Black bird singing in the light of day... Take these yummy bugs and fly away...' Just lovely (that word again) to have bird company in the garden.