On to Boxing Day...

 A great holiday project for him...
NGP Checks out a Fairy Door

Great Christmas company! Non-Gardening Partner and I have had the most wonderfully peaceful Christmas day. We just pottered around together - realised I haven't spent much time with NGP for ages, I've been so busy doing Christmas singing. He's been left alone, unorganised, for nearly a month. Time to rectify this! Would he like to do some Christmas chain-sawing? Nope. Christmas lawn mowing? Possibly, if the drizzle stopped.

Then I had the best idea for him - a holiday project to benefit my garden, one which would enhance the sense of adventure and wonder the garden gives me. I have asked him to construct some fairy doors, which will be attached quite low down to trees here and there. Some by paths, some hidden away in very secret locations. So we did a local forest walk with the dogs to check out its fairy doors, made by the local Men's Shed club. Very inspiring!

When we came home I did some Christmas weeding. I am still clearing out barrow loads of lush, unwanted greenery from the Hump Garden. What an amazing garden this is becoming, after two short years in existence. Must be all that horse manure (which does contribute a little to the weed issue).

Was joined again by my friendly blackbird - wondered if it's a she-bird, feeding a nestful of babies with the bugs and worms I uncover. Nice thought. My garden is big enough to share it happily with the birds. Have friends who hate the blackbirds for throwing mulch onto their nicely swept paths. Feel a bit sad for them (the friends, that is). Then again they might think I'm sad, enjoying my blackbird's company so much.

 All about a hand high.
Fairy Doors in MacHughs Bush

Now it's Boxing Day, and visitors are coming, so I have to tidy up my house. The lounge room is full of discarded shoes (far too many for two feet to ever need), and there are garden hand tools (complete with soil) on the table. Oops. Fine dining with a working garden centerpiece?

Much Later...

Yeay! We've just had our Dogs' Day Out Boxing Day celebration with big brown Escher and young, spotty Frida (a GSP). Lunch, tennis balls, sticks in the pond, four dogs running around, Winnie barking (Winnie is by far the worst barker). Lots of fun. I've pulled out twenty weeds. Not my finest gardening day, but hey! I've been sociable, I've also picked some flowers, and dug some potatoes.

The daylilies are flowering. Well, some clumps are, while others (maybe those with too much shade?) just sit there. I need to research the needs of these plants, because it's such a waste of a fancy pants name if you grow strappy green leaves and nothing else. You might as well be an Agapanthus.