Welcome to November
Welcome to November. There are so many wonderful new things to see in the garden, and quite a smattering of early roses. November is a rather beautiful month. No, make that a very beautiful month.
I've just spent four happy hours in the garden. I cleared the path in the Dog-Path Garden, raked up everything, lit the bonfire, picked up mess remaining from my day in the water race. Just two piles of hedge trimmings left to burn - piled one of them on the fire. Smoky! Took lots of pretty photographs.
Thursday 2nd November
Am so proud. Had my ballet class in the morning, followed by a singing rehearsal, and drove home feeling quite sleepy. Almost took myself off to bed for a snooze. Am very pleased I did gardening instead.

Mutabilis Rose
Friday 3rd November
Today I worked around the weather. Stayed outside until the drizzle became too heavy, clearing around the edge of the garden by the variegated Elm tree (love those suckers, not). Pulled out Cleavers and forget-me-nots, most of which I chopped up into mulch. No, no - not the Cleavers! Nasty sticky weed. Aargh!. Then left everything and went to the library. Unfortunately, now I'm back the rain has intensified. Must clean up my mess and pick up my tools! Oops.
Saturday 4th November
Worked for three hours, continuing yesterday's work. Creeping Charlie and violets are robustly colonising the lawn by the glass-house. A sign, maybe, to give up on the lawn all together? Not sure. Anyway, dragged myself along on my bottom, removed two full barrow loads of green weeds, dumped them under the hedge. Chopped up all the forget-me-nots for mulch. And now it's drizzling again. But good for me. This time I've picked up my tools.
I don't mind coming inside for rain and drizzle. I love my garden to be watered naturally. There will be enough weeks coming when the hoses, the buckets, and the big irrigation will be much in evidence.