Filming the Moosey Garden
It's going to be a funny sort of day. A film crew is here to do some filming (as film crews do) for Mr (Ms?) Google. I'm wearing my favourite blue gardening shirt, and I've brushed my hair. And guess what? It's raining cats and dogs outside. So I am about to be filmed inside, typing up my journal. And, since this web-site prides itself on absolute integrity, here I am typing! Lights, action... Take one?

Writing Up My Gardening Journal
Now this could take some time. So while I'm waiting for the chaps to get the shot just right, I'm going to make a list of plants to buy for the garden. Hee hee.
- Definitely some rugosa roses. Why? Why not!
- Some more Pittosporums.
- Some more Agapanthus.
No, wait a minute. Usually the Agapanthus are free! And the funniest thing - this list isn't exactly flowing from my fingers, either. A touch of nervousness? No way... As I type, the breakfast chairs are being shifted out of the shot, uncovering one lone drumstick. How odd. Anyway, here I am with Tiger the tortoiseshell cat sitting on my lap being nosy. I hope that the cameraman filming this doesn't mind her cat-bulkiness.

Intrigue Rose Buds
Keep On Typing...
Now let's get back to that list. Only three items isn't really enough, and surely I can find some more things that I want for my garden. And I have to keep on typing. Now let me see.... I've got it! New David Austin roses. Definitely, some more new David Austin roses. One cannot have too many David Austin roses, right? Right!
Thought: It's really odd writing my journal with the camera hovering over my computer keyboard. OK, I know I can do this. Later today the cameras will move with me outside. Some real gardening activities have to be filmed, like planting a rose. Yippee! I've got one ready, called Intrigue - it's a beautiful red colour, and promises me a really compact bush. I'm going to put it in the cottage garden.
I wonder how much more of this typing I need to do? And are my fingernails clean enough? Eek! I am running out of things to say. But I don't want to edit these rambling paragraphs - integrity, again...
Much Later...
+5Hee hee. My animals barged into all the camera shots. Rusty the dog stayed faithfully by my side outside (though he did bark at birds and planes), while Tiger the cat paraded up and over the computer table inside. Hopefully there wasn't too much of her back view (or her swinging belly)...

Purple Garden Seats
It's been quite a day! The weather cleared, we went outside, and, as directed, I planted the rose. I also weeded the koru courtyard, wandered up and down paths, and stood on the Willow Bridge by the giant Gunnera saying my lines. I drank a cup of tea (a real one) with the webmaster on the purple chairs. I had fun. The show-off in me sort of nudged the shy person out of the picture.
Loved the Autumn Colours...
In between scenes I managed to sneak away and take some photographs of autumn's progress. I really liked the film crew - they loved all the autumn colours, and went all gooey over the fallen Oak leaves in the Pond Paddock (it must be an artistic, textural foreground sort of thing).

The Copper Beech Tree
What a day! I had to repeat 'It's always been my dream to be a garden writer' over, and over, and over again. Just as well I meant every word, every time I said it. Living the dream - my goodness, I guess I am. I'm so thankful.