Slightly quieter times...

Slightly quieter times, now that the (semi-mature) Moosey birthday celebrations are over. Time to celebrate more spring blossom and more flowering daffodils.

Wednesday 10th September

Good morning to purring Percy, my cuddliest morning cat. There's nothing more pleasant for a retired lady-gardener than a sunny spring morning. Hmm... We'll forget the teeniest bit of fog.

Plum Tree Blossom

I'm happily staying home all day today to complete the following tasks (in no particular order)...

1. Seed sowing.
I've found all my home-saved seeds, and I have new packets to sow as well.
2. Garden Calendars.
I'm revamping all the Moosey on-line calendars into 2009 versions.
3. Paths.
I need to spread out the mulch on various paths.
4. Weeding.
Spring gardens should be reasonably well groomed.

There's nothing major or awe-inspiring in this list, but I can finish everything on it and feel proud. Right, Percy - vacate the lap. While it's still foggy outside I'll make a start on those garden calendars.

Much, Much Later...

+5 +5Blast! I am totally weeded-out - my list didn't exactly get completed. But I've had brilliant ginger cat (Fluff-Fluff) and dog (Rusty) company all day. I found some roses which hadn't been pruned, and I trimmed all the stalks off the Shasta daisies. An under-performing Sexy Rexy rose (renamed Not-So-Sexy Rexy, poor chap) has been shifted into the sunshine, and my new white Daphne is planted in his place.

 On a well-mulched Moosey path.
Histeria the Cat

There are so many little scruffy weeds in the perennial garden by the Pergola - that's where I did most of my work. The Moosey hands, delicate at the best of times, are now tingling with over-use.

 I love pink flowers.
Pink Bergenia

I've seen lots more blossom flowering, and the big red rhododendron in the middle of the Wattle Woods is on fire. My deep pink Camellia nearby has never had so many blooms. And just today I spied the first of the blue flowering spring bulbs - muscari and hyacinths. Lovely spring. And I haven't even thought to mention the Bergenias. Fancy disliking their pink flowers and cutting them off - I've read about gardeners who do this... Such people possibly don't deserve spring!

Thursday 11th September

It is simply NOT FAIR! I work hard all day. I trim the Miscanthus Zebrinus, I weed, I prune yet more roses... I even burn my rubbish pile, late in the day. I am feeling oh so proud of my achievements. On a whim I decide to pop around the back of the pond, to check if there are any gum tree branches which could be added to my roaring bonfire.

Aargh! What do I see? Loads of weeds! Weeds and weeds and more weeds. The horse manure on this garden has sprouted a lush carpet of grass. So this is tomorrow's first task. And suddenly I'm peeved, and cross - knowing twelve hours in advance exactly which bit of garden I'll be working in is not part of my life's plan. Aargh!

 Flowering in the Island Bed,
White Bergenia

Bergenias and Tree Frogs

On to nicer things - aren't Bergenias brilliant! They have wonderful leaf shape, contrasting with all the spiky foliage plants I grow. Then in early spring - up pop the most beautiful flower-heads. I grow three different colours - the normal boring pink, a deep ruby pink, and a creamy white. The hybrids are, I'm sure, bred by Bressingham.

And thank you to the gentleman tree frog's chorus who are making the silliest mass noises each night. There seem to be an awful lot of you - keep up the great contrapuntal work.

Friday 12th September

Right. I am not at the gym, or having morning coffee with my singing friend. I am home, and it's serious. I have a problem pond. It isn't right, and it's not just the unwanted greenery.

'A pond needs to be a lovely place from the inside and outside.'
-Moosey Words of Wisdom.

As I see it I have several choices - I could add, subtract or change things to make it look better. And remember, a pond needs to be a lovely garden place from the inside AND the outside. I must be lured over to spend more time there - sitting? Wandering? Here goes...

In Order to Solve Pond Problem, Look Carefully At:

  1. Seats.
  2. Paths.
  3. Chain-sawing unwanted trees down.
  4. Changing existing planting.
  5. Buying new plants and trees.

No more writing - I'm off outside. The proof of the pudding will be in the eating... Not that I eat puddings, mind you, not unless they're fresh and fruity...


I've done it. It is done! The back of my Pond is beautifully improved, with gardens properly laid out, weed-free, and inviting. It was easy - I totally shifted a path, and a bench-style seat. Then I totally shifted some plants around. I have chosen two trees to be removed with the chain-saw this weekend.

 These shrubs are growing underneath the pond trees.
Pond Plant Foliage

Ponds Need Paths

I remembered visiting a country garden which had a pond, and being puzzled (and disappointed) that there was no path around the pond. This immediately solved my problem! Now the Moosey pond has a path which wanders along by the water for ages, before ducking gently into the garden behind three skinny green Cordylines and two Rugosa roses. I've shifted one flax, a Pseudopanax called Gold Splash, several Renga Renga clumps, a Bantry Bay rose on its own roots, and some green coarse-leaved Carexes.

The second easy thing I did was to shift the seat. It now looks straight over the pond where the new path comes out. I get almost the same views as before but the pond water is in the foreground. Nice! The new Gunnera clumps are to one side, and my path stretches in to the water's edge, inviting, inviting...

The finishing touches - I shifted in some red Valerian seedlings, trimmed the odd overhanging tree, raked the path, pulled all the weeds out, took the axe to the remains of three old Hebes, and burnt all my rubbish. A legend - and it's only just three o'clock in the afternoon. And I didn't spend any money! Ha!

The blossom wave in the garden has moved onto the white flowering trees, and lots of my Rosemary shrubs are flowering a brilliant blue. Wow! Blue beauties!