Time to write a giggly list...

 Shining in the spring sunshine.
Frisbee Lawn Adirondack Seat

Brr... It's a bit cold this morning. I may not start my gardening just yet - time to reflect in the indoor warmth, write a giggly list, self-congratulate self (might that be a pleonasm?), and think about shifting one more rose out of the Shrubbery (a species one with tiny leaves and tiny rose hips, can't even remember the flower colour).

And have another cup of coffee, drive off to get some more horse manure, and buy bags of potting mix so I can prick out more seeds...

Wednesday 12th September

Oh, by the way, for any obsessive followers of detail ('detailists'?) out there. I have abandoned my seed raising spread-sheet. This is a great shame, but I'm far too modular (and random?) a gardener to faithfully record dates and progressions in time-coded columns.

That does remind me, though. I need a super spring cuttings session - daisies, penstemons, pelargoniums, and anything which I can cram instantly into vacated pots. My beautiful potted hyacinths will not last much longer, and I will need instant replacements. It's my new garden pots policy.

 Underneath a blue spring sky.
Pink Cherry Blossom


I've worked outdoors for ages, woolly warm, trying to ignore the frantic equinoxial gales (Non-Gardening Partner has just explained why it's so noisy-windy, and so much of the blossom is blowing off the trees). And I've made some progress with my seeds, it my rattling, creaking glasshouse. Winds, rumble thy bellyful, in the words of King Lear...

‘One good well-made decision per day and my garden would improve so much.’
-Moosey Words of Wisdom.

I've found THE perfect place for all my Cerinthe seedlings, though. Their flowers are beautiful planted en masse, but look dreadful in glaring sunshine. So they're all going in the gardens on the shady edge of the Pond Paddock. Yes! One good well-made decision per day and my garden would improve sooooooo much!

 The Aquilegias will soon be flowering...
Phormium with Aquilegia Foliage

Thursday 13th September

Conversation overheard earlier in the Septic Tank Garden...

Bossy Moosey: You call yourself a gardener?
Other Moosey: Yes...
Bossy Moosey: So you did do some gardening today?
Other Moosey: Yeeees...
Bossy Moosey: What gardening, exactly?
Other Moosey: Yeeees...

 Please excuse my messy glasshouse.

Other Moosey then starts to bluster (just like the equinoxial gales, hee hee). Apparently she was wearing her good jeans - well, she couldn't get them dirty, could she? But she did pull some plum tree seedlings out, and she squirted nasty weedkiller onto poor unsuspecting dandelions by the Laundry Seat. Oh - she also pulled out some weeds from behind the purple sage. With her bare hands. And she turned on the hoses and shifted them. Twice.

Could Do Better!

I'm afraid it's one of those 'Could do better. Must try harder' report card days!

Friday 14th September

Right. For the next three days I am an uber-productive garden-gardener AND web-gardener. There is much weeding to do in both parts of my gardening life. The plan is to alternate - an hour of realtime weeding (aargh), an hour of website waffling (do I really waffle?) - seems sensible. And I certainly won't run out of things to do. I'm off to shift a rose, and fix another little retaining stone wall. I'm wearing my old gardening jeans. Phew!

Later, Lunchtime...

Those stern words didn't quite have the desired effect. I started off my first gardening session in a vacuous dither, so I decided to use the mood of the moment and do as many things at once as it was possible.

 Already turning brown. Oops!
Camellia Jurys Yellow

A random hour goes like this: I wander over to the fence with a load of rubbish, I see weeds, I stop and pull them out - Little Mac the cat, this is not a claws versus hands game! I divide and plant a miniature Agapanthus clump here, spread one bag of manure there, and put the hoses on somewhere else. I repot the Hakonechloa grass, trying to carefully pull out all the weed roots.

Step by Step, Every Detail...

Then I duck into the glasshouse, and install cuttings of purple and light green variegated sage in their own mini-hothouse (a pot with a plastic drink bottle on the top). Then I water Pond Cottage's pots and roses.

Garden Gnomes :
Yes, finally the Moosey webmaster couldn't ignore my garden gnomes any more. I do have over eighty of them, by the way...

And I think about my new garden gnomes section on the Moosey website, and how any thoughtful-gardener credit I might have had will have evaporated. Garden gnomes are so polarising...

And so what if I don't finish anything? At least I've done lots of good little things, and not just talked about them. Oops - that sounds a bit belligerent and blustery, like those equinoxial gales, a weather word I've just learnt, my word of the day. Sorry!

And lots of the Camellia flowers are going brown. Hey - that was quick! Wait for meeeeeeeee!