Gardening tangents...

Planting Agapanthus
Hmm... In theory I may be thinking big. Plant all that Agapanthus! Spread the mountain of horse manure! But I'm achieving small - going off on far too many gardening tangents. But if the processes of gardening cover an infinite sphere (and I'm sure they do) then the tangents always reappear, hee hee...
Wednesday 8th June
I'm working my way up the Driveway Garden. I know what to do. Quickly clear, trim, remove anything unsuitable, and weed. Then collect a barrow of horse manure and spread it out. Collect a barrow of top-soil to cover the horse manure, just in case the dogs... Enough said. Repeat this sequence ad infinitum. And finish planting the Agapanthus over the fence.
Today's tangents : I've trimmed the dead wood off Alberic Barbier, sawn down several unwanted Pittosporums, and potted up pink Japanese Anemones, growing (poor things) in the driveway. I've barrowed in six loads of this and that. I've also burnt my rubbish, and the whole exercise has taken me four happy hours, with little to show for it. No-one will be able to see what I've done. Nobody will pat me on the back and say 'My goodness, what great progress you're making in the Driveway Garden'. I have moved about two metres towards the house.

Golden Tribute Roses
Oh well. There's always tomorrow. And I love being outside doing my gardening. There's not much colour about now, and the frost stays on the lawn until about 11am. Still some roses are determined NOT to shut down for winter. The bright pink John Clare (a David Austin beauty) is usually my last rose to flower. Not this year - that award goes to Golden Tribute, sharing the honour with the fluffy little pink Fairy rose.

Winter Bonfire
Thursday 9th June
Quick! Before I lose any puff. Today I'm cutting down the number of tangents available to 'go off' on, so to speak. First, the leaves in the Pond Paddock. I will try to finish raking and bagging them. Secondly, one more Agapanthus clump. I will divide and plant the pieces. I will also rake the lawn and dump all the Agapanthus rubbish behind the container. Then I will get back to that driveway. Escher is away for the day, so here will be one less rude dog tempted to munch horse manure. Gross!
Much Later...
Ha! Quite a bit achieved, and well-behaved dogs (I'm talking about you, young Winnie). I almost finished my tangents, and I've crept up the driveway another two metres. I planted the new red Flower Carpet roses in the sunny Driveway Garden bend, and the very last Agapanthus clump has been cut up and planted in the far corner of the Frisbee Lawn Garden. I fired up the bonfire just as it was getting dark and managed to burn most of the Pittosporum branches. I'm very satisfied with today's work - I didn't notice myself getting nowhere, if that makes sense.

Escher the Dog
Friday 10th June
I've had a bit of a daft day, only doing a couple of hours in the garden. But I've been productive, tangentially speaking. I've dug out all the deciduous Azaleas from the too-dry and too-sunny Driveway Garden corner. They're in pots now, destined for a moister, slightly shadier place - around the brick courtyard in the Dog-Path Garden. In their place I've divided and replanted a green Astelia.
Moochy Mood...
Doing next to nothing has taken me two hours. My mood has been moochy, with the temperature a balmy nineteen degrees (Celsius). And just me, going slow in my garden, explaining things (like the meaning of life) to the dogs, dreaming a bit, staring a bit, enjoying the afternoon sunshine. I reckon I go much faster when it's cold!
I know. I'll run a hot bath, soak the feet and legs, choose some clean clothes, and watch one of my TV soaps. There's always tomorrow.