A day off...
Took the day off from the garden today. Organised Non-Gardening Partner to pick up a trailer load of horse manure bags. Did my ballet class, went out for a real visit to my friend, then home to do piano practice (Albeniz) for ages.

Weeping Maiden Camellias
Made a cup of tea, finished my library e-book, looked up and it was dark outside! Just like that. A much needed break from the bonfire.
Tuesday 12th May
First thing this morning in the house - a live mouse. One of the Fred cats had carried it in, played hide-and-seek (!) for a wee while, then got bored and wandered off to the log burner to join his brother. It's hard work being a hunting cat!

The Fred Cats Resting
It was a somewhat lively way to start a calm day - wielding the broom, directing two eager dogs. A successful team effort...
Flame colours...
It's another beautiful autumn day with no wind. The garden colours remind me of flames. Flames! Yes, I'll do a bit of that today, continuing the clean up from behind the pond.

Flowering Cherry in Autumn
Fact : felling a dead tree is quite quick, and definitely sensible. Sawing the fat branches into firewood logs is equally quick and sensible. Carting and stacking all the logs takes a wee while, but is not a problem. Cleaning up the scrappy, messy remains takes weeks. No wonder I'm much more excited about the horse manure...

Winnie is too fat!
Blast! Am very sad and very cross - Winnie has re-injured her back leg. She turned up outside as I was barrowing wood, and I thought a gentle trot around would do her no harm. Then Pebbles (my other dog) turned up and things went all wrong. A slight dog-challenge, a sudden, quick slalom move, a yelp of pain - a three-legged dog.
Foolish me, letting this happen. Am so cross with myself. Trust a border collie dog? Foolish, foolish me. At least the difficult Covid lockdown restrictions are being lifted, so I can get her to the vet more easily. Grr...
Later, dusk...
Well, I spent an hour playing two of the most difficult pieces of Albeniz' Iberia Suite - perfect for a gardener in a sad, cross mood. Then I went back outside to clear a bit more mess. I felt more at peace. Winnie's injury wasn't my fault - her leg could have been re-injured at any time, not only when she was with me in the garden.

Gnomes on the Reading Stump
Regarding the remains of the tree felling behind the pond : I've made some very good progress today. I reckon one more day should do it! Then I'll replant Renga Renga around the base of the Reading Stump, shift the pond path ever so slightly, and enjoy hanging out with the gnomes.