Winnie the 3-legged dog...

Winnie the Dog
Update on Winnie the three-legged dog : She has her cranial cruciate ligament surgery tomorrow. Dear dog. Then she will enjoy some tough-dog-love in a crate for six weeks. By the way, I love the vet. Vets are wonderful. Have been so sad about Winnie. But now there is a solution, and I feel so much better.
Sunday 17th May
What's up today in the garden? The last dahlias in the Hump Garden were frosted overnight, so I can dig out the big pinks and replant them in the designated Pink Dahlia Garden. Ha ha. My attempts at colour co-ordination, as usual, start with a fanfare of huge intentions.
My friend down the road gave me lots of dahlias last winter, mainly soft lemon and apricot shades. But I didn't realise how bulky and tall they'd grow, and how tiddly some of the neighbouring roses would be. Aha! Why not fix the problem now, today? Swing that scoopy shovel I found hiding behind the pond...
Three hours later...
Fixed! All the pink and magenta dahlias are relocated. The other dahlias have moved back into the middle of their bed, swapping places with some smaller roses. I've removed nasty grass from (non-climbing) Cecile Brunner's roots and thrown her into a water bucket.

Cecile Brunner Rpses
Now all I need to know (ha ha) is what to do with the Calla lily bulbs. They're huge, and I'm not sure if I like the flowers.

Winnie in the Driveway
Inside with Winnie the sad three-legged dog, who accepts her isolation with a very good spirit. My friend is lending me a large dog crate - such a kindness. Some nasty wet wintry weather will be perfectly acceptable in the following weeks, so I can happily lurk inside keeping my lovely dog-in-a-crate company. I miss Winnie's company in the garden very much.

Winnie and Her Frisbee
Monday May 18th
So Winnie is at the vet's for two days, and I've done my piano practice and my online ballet class. Time for the garden - but what to do? Aha! I'll do some potting up in the glass-house : more Renga Renga for the pond plantings, those shifted roses, and whatever else I find. We'll see.
Much Later...
I potted up everything, then shifted loads of compost and planted more Renga Renga behind the pond. I also dumped wood logs on the splitting pile. I have been trundling all afternoon. Nice work.
A ring from the vet - Winnie's operation has been a success. She stays there overnight. It's funny without her.
I blame the frisbee...
Thinking back, I blame the frisbee. Winnie's tennis ball has always been more of an indoor reward toy - no huge accelerations or sudden slalom changes of direction involved. Sorry about this, frisbee, but it's your fault.