Into the water...

 Looking upstream from Willow Bridge.
Gunnera Cleaned Up

Seize the day when the water race is running low. Put on my tall gumboots (plus merino long-johns and shorts) and wade down the race slicing through Gunnera roots and trimming the spiky stems and leaves. Ouch!

Leaky waders...

Alas, my last waders were banished for leaking (they were a Trade-Me bargain that were not really a bargain at all). So I need the water to be running lower than my gumboots. It's almost too cold now for feet in socks and crocs. Back soon.

Four hours later...

An hour and a half got me as far as Middle Bridge. My gumboots were great, but my feet inside them still got quite cold. So I changed into dry gardening clothes and took my morning coffee onto the Frisbee Lawn, where a super-passionate cat leapt on my lap. Awwww... So nice!

Hello Fred

It was Red Fred, who is turning into a great gardening cat. As well as keeping me company he is also incredibly nosy. And always on guard, in case his brother should be planning an ambush.

 In the driveway.

Everything takes ages...

Then I redirected myself to the bonfire, and barrowed in eight loads of mess (mainly dried Phormium leaves). Whoosh! Hardly any smoke. Also planted a Phormium and an Escallonia in the back of the Driveway Border, watched intently by Fred. Everything takes ages, but I reckon that's because there's only one of me. And Fred kept on wanting to be picked up and carried around. Silly cat!

After a hot cup of tea I donned the trusty gumboots and went back into the water to finish the Gunnera. All done, apart from a few stems with huge brown leaves left to trim. Another beautifully busy garden day for me.

Hair wash reward...

Rewarded self with washing my hair. P.S. There's no better reward for someone with long hair in a messy plait. Though the services of an under-gardener to plod around filling the wheelbarrow might come close.

 Surrounded by green Carexes and Phormiums.
Seat in the Greenery