Agapanthus obsessed,,,
My big clean-up continues. But as soon as border areas are cleared, all I can think of is mass planting Agapanthus. Am Agapanthus-obsessed.

Monday 6th May
Today I finished the Driveway Border. Well, I sort of finished. I kept on working until it got a bit dark and cold. I've dug out over one hundred Sycamore tree seedlings. Pesty things! I've thrown Winnie's tennis ball fifty times. I've taken an old green Phormium to pieces (took ages).
All day I've had all-black fantails flitting around me, swooping and chattering. Careful, birds! Fred cat is out and about somewhere.
A question...
A question : since Agapanthus is happily growing immediately over the wire fence, why don't I continue the planting into the Driveway Border? It's ready to be filled up with something. Aha! Why not?
The existing shrubs (Rhododendrons, Corokias, Pittosporums, Pseudopanaxes) are all round-leafed evergreens, and something with strappy leaves would complement them nicely. The area I'm thinking of is fairly sheltered from frosts, so the Agapanthus would look OK in winter.

Pale Pink Japanese Anemone
Still thinking...
Another thought - some pink flowering Japanese Anemones have always struggled in the Driveway Border. So I should dig them all out? They've never been sunny enough, or well enough watered, to be happy.
Tuesday 7th May
Moved over into the Stables Garden, have been clearing out mess (including lots of creeping violets). Thinking about some new plantings in here, and a mass planting of Agapanthus again immediately comes to mind.
Agapanthus for several reasons : I have plants already growing elsewhere that can be shifted in. This garden is desperately dry, as it doesn't get any irrigation. Agapanthus are tough and the soil here is awful. They will survive. I don't mind if they don't flower. I like their leaves.
Alternatively, I could add some soil-conditioner, some organic matter, lots of water, and plant shrubs. Would this work? Initially, yes, but would I remember to keep up the watering? Quite a few of my earlier plantings died from lack of water.

Agapanthus in the Shrubbery
Final question for the day - can a large country garden become over-agapanthussed?