A gardener's weekend?

Happy Birthday Escher
How's this for a gardener's weekend? Oops. The garden might have to be patient and understanding.
My weekend...
Saturday : Work in the shearing shed, then off to a three hour dress rehearsal for my ballet performance.
Sunday : Sing in the Stravinsky Mass (hopefully not the alto solos), then go to a Dog-Birthday and Baby-Rolling Party. Big Brown Escher is twelve years old! Yeay for Escher! And the new baby has learnt how to do roly polies all over the floor. Aww...
So the garden may be missing me, but it looks magnificent. I love the spring flowering shrubs, everything with pink flowers (which I find so cheering), the little blues (can't forget those forget-ne-nots), and the fresh new greenery. The Pittosporums are flowering - maybe they are the reason for my sneezing. The late flowering daffodils are so pretty.
Am off to water the pots and take a few photographs, before I head to the shearing shed. It's quietly drizzling, which always inspires the bellbirds to whistle and chime their birdsongs to each other. This year some new songs, which must mean some new birds.

OK. I've found a Phormium which must have been a casualty of the hedge trimmer. To be fair, hardly anything in the garden was broken - he did a really great job. So when I get home from Stravinsky (wish me luck) I'll trim the flattened pieces off.
Sunday 8th October
So shearing was fun, but really fast work. I wobbled too much in ballet and got a bit sad. The Stravinsky went OK this morning, but I did have to sing the solo bits. They actually went really well (she said, modestly). Now I'm home and about to do some clearing. One thing I know for sure - I love my garden.